I have the opportunity in my professional image work use a large number of cameras and lenses and digital backs, most of which I own in one time or another, most still with me. I am not a collector, but I do like to try new tools.
From the cameras I use, quite rare with film now, almost all digital, from small and compact 4 million pixels digital camera like Contax TV-S, Sigma DP-1 and DP-2, Canon G9/G10, Leica M8 and M9, Canon 1Ds II and 1Ds III, Nikon D3X, Phase One P25, P45+ and P65+, Sinar eMotion 75LV on Hy6 and quite many lenses, and Hasselblad H3D system + lenses. Is there any particular camera produce the best image? No, I don't think so. I think the quality of the image is photographer's sole responsibility, nor any particular client specific requests the highest resolution cameras, not even the higher paid customer get to use higher cost cameras, no they do not mater, it is about the image, not the camera. it is basically what I think will work, then I use it.
Today's media has a huge appetite for unlimited images, quite often it is web-base and does not require the best possible camera, but rather, outstanding concept the image present, and hopeflly, catch higher attention.
This image as an example, for its image size, I could have used just any camera to get the look, but I use Phase One P45+ on Contax 645, with Vario-Sonnar 45-90mm for this shot, why? I simply like the feel of holding a Contax camera.