Painting perhaps started as early as man started to learn how to use our hands. In comparison, photography is just happening. But how different?
Photography, by its definition, is painting by the light, saying so, really there is no tool needed, ancient wisdom has discovered the pinhole and use it, long before photographer use it to record image. Through the superior optical quality of our eyes, human is capable of seeing general things in a reasonably clear images, but certainly they are people who see beyond that, beyond the realm of realism, or, are they they seeing the reality in a way we didn't see?
Claude Monet, the founder of French impressionist painting or Vincet van Gogh, considered the post-impressionist, presented from their painting the image so real beyond what our common eye sees. Because what they presented was a pure value of the color, the light, the shadow, rather than focus on detail and lost the essential part of the world they see?
I took this picture from a compact Canon ixus i, a small 4-million pixels digit cam in northern Thailand nearby the Golden Triangle, it was a foggy morning, with condensation built on the window glass of my hotel room, and the early light while look thru the window took my attention and I shot this image, totally un-retouched. And the real world is very much the same, we are looking at exactly the same thing but often there are something between our mind and the subject, or sometimes as the photographer use the filter, either a piece of colored glass or gel, mesh, a piece of tissue, or just a different mindset?
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