The reflection from the sun higher up will have a rather sharp sparkling, may take away the attention for the jewelry worn by the model; and if too low, will have a smaller reflection and become more distracting, also may cause a little lens flair. Not that I don't like lens flair at all, I just don't want it in this picture, but I could have been wrong anyway. Each photograph is a series of decisions to make it happen and the photographer has to decide it.
I made this picture in Ko Chang, an island situated in Siam Bay, the 2nd largest island in Thailand. Shot with a Sinar Hy6 camera attached with 33-million-pixels eMotion 75LV digital back, mounted with the Schneider AFD 80/2.8. The side light was a Bron-color light thru an umbrella, powered by a battery powered Verso A2.
Detail crop from the 100% image on the eye of the model, Elona.
Wow, the detail is amazing!
I'd love to see the high res!
This was a scaled picture of the none-crop original, I shot with the Sinar eMotion 75LV which is a 33-million-pixels digital back, the detail is indeed amazing, but the file size is simply too big to review on web.
Just out of interest, could you post (or email) a _small_ crop of the non-scaled image?
Detail crop added as request.
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