The great nature has long been worshipped by its local residence and it was not until the invention of steam machine that makes man rethink their role against the nature, and start the discoveries. However, the areas left behind the industrialization the worship remains, particular so in the Himalayan and Tibetan regions where they are among least developed (in modern sense, not spiritually) but have the world’s tallest and greatest mountains.
The highest mountain on earth, Mt. Everest (name as result of imperialism, refer my previous blog – Plume, and Chomolangma ) – a name to me of no significant historical value except arrogance behind the weapons of intruder. However it does signify the fact it is indeed the highest mountain on earth (not even in the solar system, the highest mountain in the known solar system is Olympus Mons – on Mars that is approximately 3X the height of Mt. Everest) with a survey measurement of 8,840m in 1956, then known as Peak XV. It was not long after the new broke; the mountaineers determined that it needs to be climbed.
Fast forward to 1920s when the British started to serious planning and organizing expedition to scale Everest and made such attempt of real international awareness, the ill-fated George Mallory retorted “Because it’s there.” when questioned why he wanted to climb Mt. Everest.
Many people do not understand the attraction of mountains until they were there. And this is one of the largest reasons why generations of people coming to Yading, to witness the power and beauty of nature, the three patron saint of Tibetan : Jambeyang (or Yangmaiyong) the south peak as the Bodhisattva of Wisdom, the east peak Chanadorje (or Xianuoduoji) as the Bodhisattva of Wrath and the north peak Chenresig (or Xiannairi) as the highest of the trio, symbolizes Avalokiteshvara or better known by Chinese as the Guānshìyīn Púsà (觀世音菩薩), the Bodhisattva of Mercy.

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