Sunday, October 7, 2012

The new dawn

This image took in the peaceful, fishing harbor of north west Taiwan, Nanfangao南方澳, right on the day break.  I was using a new Sigma DP-1 Merrill for this image, the X3 sensor captured the serenity and harmonized colors of this little fishing harbor faithfully while rendering the lights, the minute detail of the houses, and the tranquil water surface awaken by the moving finishing boats shot after shot.
I use Sigma’s original DP-1 and DP-2 and was impressed with its abilities in reproduce beautiful colors of nature although wishing its image size should have been larger.  With new DP-1 Merrill and DP-2 Merrill, this wish came true.  The unique X3 sensor and the fact of lacking low-pass-filter enable the sensor capable of reading what a good lens capable of resolving, making the DP Merrill camera capable of challenging the state of the art DSLRS of any size, as of October, 2012.

Nanfangao, Yilan, Taiwan, 2012

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