Lina Mass is a half German and half Russian model, this picture made for her using Canon 1Ds III digital camera and a EF 100/2.8 macro lens.
I love using macro lens for portrait, one obvious reason is that from most of the camera or independent lens makers, the offering of macro lens is usually of above averaged, often the best ones, within each ones own lens range, offer sharper and higher contrast, but the most important factor is that using macro lens frees the photographer from the limitation of distance between the camera and the model. And this is very important. In approaching the subject - the model, the distance between the photographer and the model should not be a limiting factor, with normal lens, this is an issue, not with macro lens.
The point is, when capturing the portrait, there are only the photographer and the subject model, everything else in use was to make the relationship between the photographer and model pure, free from obstruction.
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