Thursday, August 4, 2011

Jambeyang Peak and the right exposure

Jambeyang Peak, 5,958m, the southmost peak of the three patron saints in Yading, is also the one in the center, especially when observing it from the Milk Lake – in fact the local Tibetan called it the Milk Sea – because Tibet is so far from the ocean so they called the lake “Son of Sea”, in fact quite true since there are many salty lakes in Tibet.  Not the Milk Sea here though, it received its water from the melting snow from the Jambeyang Peak which one can easily tell the heavy snow compressed into ice forming a small glacial cut through the rocks, however seeing it is one thing and to photography it another.
This shot was made with Phase One P65+ on Hasselblad H2 + HC 50-110 lens setting at 80mm, and a perfect example to demonstrate the powerful digital photography that would be rather difficult to achieve such exposure in the ear of film.  For this image, I have a wide-angle Lee bellow shade and I use in combination of a 95mm C-PL filter, and a Formatt 0.6 graduate ND, captured in Phase’s proprietary IIQ raw file, pack the file in EIP (Enhanced Image Package) and develop it in Capture Pro 6.2.1.  It is powerful software that brings the 16-bit raw capture to its maximum, as example here.  The snow and ice exposed under the sun light still with visible detail while the weathered rock, the virgin grassland still exposed with very fine, sharp, noise free detail.

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